Our kereru
Well; at least it is our mahoe tree in which this kereru is feeding. This is the third time we have seen it here. The tree grows up only a couple of metres from the corner of the deck. Indeed, if I stretch out I can just about touch the closest branches and leaves.
This morning I went out onto the deck with my mid morning coffee, and a book to finish. Because of the brilliant blue of Kawau Bay I had the camera with me so I could take a picture of water skiers and the like. I heard some gentle rustling in the mahoe and looked expecting to see a small bird. Instead, there was the kereru.
Behind branches, leaves and berries. I tried to focus on it, and occasionally managed okay, but it was still mostly hidden. Then it hopped through the tree to emerge just below and very close to me, and proceeded to feast on the berries. I have quite a few of it feeding, until I got the timing right, of when it lifted its head to look towards me.
You can see its claws on the ridiculously slender branch, and in large it is possible to really appreciate the size and colour.
I had earlier taken my morning run, with nothing to compete with this. Later in the morning we headed to Snells Beach for the kids to play in the high tide. After about an hour we were joined by daughter C and her two boys. Although I had the camera, I spent most of the time getting cold in the water, and sunburned out of it, playing with the children. A picnic lunch (we were very lucky; as we arrived a family left one of the picnic tables close to the water).
When we came back to the house, I had a little doze, and then another burst of (satisfying) gardening, before a cool pilsener on the deck with assembled adults, enjoying talk and snacks. Four children (each with more energy than the adults combined at this time of the day!) played exuberantly with only the occasional minor disagreement.
As soon as I post this, I head to fire up the BBQ and act once again as meat chef to those who do the real meal preparation and cooking.
The year has started superbly well.
Putting this up
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