
By seddon

Sitting baby!!

Daddy took Thomas to school this morning so me and Mummy managed a little lie in.
I've not quite been myself today, and have been quite clingy, so me and Mummy had cuddles for lots of the day.
In between cuddles I played on my mat and practised some sitting - I managed about 20 seconds at a time before toppling over (mummy caught me!)
As we went to pick Thomas up from school Mrs Hall was outside and stopped us so she could make a fuss of me - she used to be Thomas's nursery teacher and is going to be his teacher again next year, which mummy, daddy and Thomas are all happy about!
After school it was time for tennis; the last one of this course. Me and mummy sat and watched Thomas play and enjoyed the sunshine.
This evening I showed off my improving sitting skills for daddy and Thomas.

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