After the rain

After three nights at work...I am glad to be home.

Today I checked over and picked up poop for a herd I am providing holiday cover for. The mare there is in foal and she always comes and sniffs my face whilst i'm working away until i stop to scratch her. She has lovely calming vibes and I can happily spend a lot of time giving her a fuss.

Then on to George and his Ninja Shetland Katie...Now nicknamed Kato from Pink Panther. More poo picking, trough cleaning and scratches ...Finishing off with some carrot stretches to celebrate George's day off.

Dogs walked at Warbeth then home to chill. Bliss. I heard on the radio earlier today that 2 glasses of wine a day are definitely good for you. I have chosen a pint glass from the cupboard. Sorry  Gorgeous :-/

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