A New Day

By ANewDay

Good Idea


A bit of a confused day with NHS issues for both of us.  TJ has developed an eye infection and needed drops and antibiotics for that, though fortunately the swelling has gone down quite quickly.

In the meantime, there was a message for me from the Surgery to say that my pre-operation blood sample taken last Friday had shown a problem and would I ring them.  Turned out that my potassium level is low and I need a 3 day course of tablets, followed by another blood test.  Slight problem - my op is on Friday, so no chance to comply!  

Blood test cancelled and so I rang the hospital for advice.  Surgeon is happy to go ahead, but I've to take the tablets for as long as I can and eat lots of bananas!!  Happy to follow that advice:-)

Worn out after all the dramas and could easily have followed Simba's example and had a lie down!

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