portrait of a friend...
...who is near and dear to me
like a sister - in fact... precious beyond words - a blessing in so many ways, i almost became speechless when trying to put together my journal today... boo! how does one describe a friend - put a value upon friendship - make known how meaningful it is to them... it seems so daunting - it needn't be though... she was brought into my life going on almost 15 years ago now - it was an automatic click right off - i knew we would be the best of friends for a long time somehow... this is a quote i rather like that encapsulates my feelings -
in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures... for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed... kahlil gibran
one final thought - though there are tons regarding friends, friendships, etc. - i believe there is a difference between having good friends and best friends - a good friend knows all my best stories... a best friend has lived them with me - see the difference?
this portrait of a friend - one of my very best friends - has lived my best stories with me - supported me through them - i couldn't ask for anything more... she's the best of the best - and always makes it...
happy day.....
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