Lunar Eclipse!

There was a partial eclipse of the moon this evening. After a couple of nights of brilliant near-full moon I hoped for great photos, so got out the big camera, the 150-500 zoom lens and the tripod. Despite it being cloudy, I set it up hoping for the best. While waiting for the dusk and moonrise I took pictures in the garden. Using the 500 end of the zoom I was able to fill the frame with Merlin's face from a distance of about 15ft so didn't get the usual distortion you get with a close up. I was pleased with this - and another taken with the zoom at 280 (see extra)showing his whole head and neck. 
The moon? the other extra shows a tantalising glimpse of the rising moon about 30 minutes before the eclipse started - what a gorgeous golden colour it would have been had the clouds disappeared - but they didn't - that was all I saw ;-(    Oh, well, that's photography!

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