
Mum and I just watched a programme about the Apollo 11 moon landing and then we went out into the garden to watch the partial eclipse of that same moon. I phoned D to let him know (as he has neither TV nor internet) but back in Dumfries the moon is still low in the sky behind the wood. While we were on the phone I thought I heard an owl hooting but it was the peacock talking to D from his perch high up in the sycamore tree. I like being here but oh I miss my home! 

Imagining what it must have been like for those Apollo astronauts looking back at Earth from the moon..on the programme one of them said that there was just the earth - no countries or continents, just the beautiful blue planet. Another said, of the same thing, "We went to the moon, but we found the earth".

Off to London in the morning.

PS please have a look at my friend's journal. She is new to blip. You can find it Here

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