Tiny flower
for Tuesday.
TDF rest day so I walked the dogs early this morning and snapped a few more wildflowers that grow near the river walk.
Clouding up today after two days of clear skies and high temperatures. I've not been picking up the camera much lately . . . made more banana bread . . . re-read Drive your plow over the bones of the dead in readiness for Friday's book group discussion.
EDIT: File under Meanderings & Musings. As often happens with the way I abuse, I mean, browse Blipfoto I come across longstanding members and today I came across a founding member (other than Joe Tree and G) and then this post (don't click the link on Joe's last comment; the original forum no longer exists). Plus ça change moins ça change . . . I believe the core nature of Blip has not changed much. And there is a core of commenters to keep things lively. Some journals disappear; others are protected for sound reasons; and the Fab Four (and volunteers) keep this train on the track and moving forward . . .
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