There's a sheeps leg in this bin
No, not that kind of sheep's leg. This is the bin for everything that does'nt go in the other recycle bins. One of the things in this bin needs to come out,. The thing is it should'nt have gone in in the first place BUT ...... What happened waz .....a certain canine called Jorgie took it upon herself to do a little rearranging early this morning while I was in bed enjoying my caffeine fix & latest read, The Forget-Me-Not Sonata by Santa Montefiore. It was Cassies bark that alerted me ... I ignored the first couple of times, but then decided to investigate ... The canine in question, Jorgie, had removed the pretty shells & sea urchin skeletons from a dish on the coffee table and munched them up leaving bits all over the floor. Jorgie reprimanded and sent to the naughty corner, I cleared up. Came across what looked like a cloven hoof. Cloven hoof???? Nah, can't be .. must be part of a marine something or other to be in the dish, so it went in the bin with the broken shells.
That was all before 7a.m ...
After 7a.m. The local sparrow flock were having fun in the Stipa gigantea outside the bedroom window. The buzzard was calling across the valley, and I was bracing myself for another full on day. First brekkers for Lucy & Stan, the parrots. Todays menu - Toast, followed by a very colourful selection of fresh fruit and veg, a bowl of mixed seed & nuts, & fresh water. Clean paper in the bottom of their cages, plus a new box for Lucy to set up home in. She's broody apparently. :) My breakfast followed, then walk the dogs.
That ticked off my list it was time to put my business hat. Following up inquiries for table reservations, racking my brain thinking who I could ask to donate raffle prizes etc. I checked the local FB pages for small businesses that were advertising .. plus people selling "stuff". Managed to rent 3 tables for the table top sale on Saturday, including a local guy that makes wooden bird boxes and planters for the garden. He wants two tables, & I've just cheekily sent him a request for a raffle prize. I got hold of the landlord from the Claycutter's Arms, he's giving a voucher :) A mobile beautician is giving me a half price voucher, an old work colleague has dropped off a couple of gardening products for the raffle. I contacted 2 local garden centres .. they're getting back to me. A gorgeous box of handmade goodies arrived from another friend who has a shop on Etsy, another 2 raffle prizes in the post from more of my creative friends, a cake being made for the refreshments ... Oh, it's all coming together, fingers crossed we get lots of people on Saturday :). A couple more phone calls to make tomorrow morning, then I think the raffle is sorted.
After lunch I nipped home to see hubby, he'd been to the docs this morning, got a shingles jab & something else but he's not very keen to impart the info, & I can't be arsed to grill him .. ARGHHHHH! Next stop, drawing pins ...Spar, Chudleigh. I had just spotted one of my posters flying to & fro in the wind by one pin so whizzed back quickly to secure it before it flew off into oblivion. C.K next, bus shelters & telegraph poles. Posters in position, Village hall notice board next .. Had to do a bit of jiggling. The world and it's mother had business cards and posters on the notice board, but I needed to be on there as well :) ( Must remember where I've put all these posters so that I can remove them after) and I wanted them in place before the children came out from school. Done!
Picked Mum up, whizzed back up to Chudders to drop off a poster at the Phoenix pub, then back to Cassie & Jorgie. Mum & I had a lovely chat/catch up in the sunshine with a plate of strawberries & clotted cream. Thank you Cassiesmum, they were very well received. :) What with all the tennis yesterday afternoon I did'nt get around to pudding.
Glorious sunshine all day today, what a treat. The farmers must be happy. No, I know I'm being silly. They're never happy. Well they should be, the fields have been cut, dried, baled and wrapped in plastic, black plastic here, tonight, across the valley. They were still working at 10ish, no lights on the machines. A drop of rain towards the end of the week and the grass will be off again ... plenty of time for a second cut I reckon. Not keen on this plastic. It looks so ............... manufactured. I know they have to pay to get rid of it, but in the old days they had a silage clamp, did'nt they? Now they have haylage, hay wrapped, bit like a giant weetabix, which appears to be far more popular with farmers. Two days ago the farmer was spraying his wheat crop in the field adjoining our allotments. What was he spraying :(, the drift would have brought it onto the allotment site so anyone attempting to grow "organically" would be wasting their time. It will be interesting to see if the field poppies are still showing in a couple of days time. We really have no idea what we're eating do we?
Where was I, so dropped Mum back home, had a quick look at some of the plants she'd been telling me about. Got a SOS phone call from hubby... "How do I cook this lamb curry??. Quickly popped another poster up beside the preschool car park, whizzed in home, cooking instructions sorted, then watering up the allotment. Harvested another good 3lb plus broad beans, 2 courgettes and a bunch of sweetpeas. Back to Cassie & Jorgie, early evening leg stretch, then dinner. Bit of a disaster, as I was searching the tv channels for something of interest to watch while eating dinner, dinner was burning ... it's amazing just how easy it is to remove the breading from a fish finger :)
I think that's me up to speed now. Oh Gary, the nest box man, has just got back to me, he's going to see what he can do for a raffle prize. :)
f.a.o Cassiesmum - Stan & Lucy really enjoyed the ready to cook tenderstem & mixed vegetables :) That was for the birds .. was'nt it? x
Thanks to carolina for hosting Mono Monday + the extra tag Low key/high key. Not sure I've achieved that with this image. I had others but never know what is good, bad or fit for the bin.
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