
By Lazio_Lad

The Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen

It's, been a busy year:
Pisa, Florence and Ravenna with my family,
Tuscany with John Gravett, (366 today)
Trevi, Umbria for three weeks painting and photography,
Copenhagen for a week in June with the students,
Turkey in October with my wife
not to mention Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, North Berwick and Ayrshire.
Somehow this seemed appropriate for the year's end.

I've wandered in many far-off lands?
And travelled many a mile?
I've missed the folk I cherished most?
The joy of a friendly smile?
It warms up the heart of a wand'rer?
The clasp of a welcoming hand?
To greet me when,
I return? home to my native land

The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen?
Mean home sweet home to me?
The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen ?
Are what I long to see?
I've been a wanderer all of my life?
Any many a sight I've seen?
God speed the day when l' m on my way?
To my home in Aberdeen.

Happy Hogmanay when it comes.

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