Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Welcome, Little Brother!

I'm sure someone is wondering why I need another bandsaw. The short answer is portability. The Laguna weighs about seven times as much as the Wen.

So why do I need portability? My woodworking club is one of the invited exhibitors at the annual Anacortes Art Fair. We give demonstrations of our skills and display things we've made. Some members sell items. 

I was asked to demonstrate how I make my bandsaw boxes, which I agreed to do, provided someone would provide a bandsaw. Three people offered to loan one, but the closest one to my home was more than twenty miles away. Apart from the logistics involved in getting the saw to practice with ahead of time, the thought of using an unfamiliar tool (condition unknown) belonging to someone else was adding to my nervousness about performing in public. 

I ordered the little saw on Thursday and it arrived Friday (Amazon Prime free shipping)! I finished assembling and adjusting it today and made a couple of trial cuts. It performed as well as I hoped it would, and will be useful for smaller tasks in my shop. It's not going to be a joy to use, as is the Laguna, but I didn't expect that. With power tools, you get what you pay for. The Wen cost a small fraction of the amount I paid for the Laguna.


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