I Do Some Snitching...on the Pitching

All year, Merrick played on a Little League team that was coach-pitched. That is...one of our 3 coaches pitched to the boys. But, in this season ending tournament, alternate innings were coach pitched...then kid pitched.

When Merrick was over last night, we worked on two things in my backyard. TWO THINGS! 1. Coming over the top...bringing the arm close to the ear as he came forward with the ball. Now, look at the 4th picture in the sequence. He's throwing sidearm. HE'S THROWING SIDEARM! 2. Getting into position after delivering the pitch...ready to field the ball. Now, look at the last picture. How you gonna field the ball when you're glove is tucked between your knees? HOW? HOW?

In spite of disregarding my teaching, he had a pretty good inning. After the first two batters got on, he struck out the third batter. He walked the 4th hitter, then struck out the next two...striking out the side. At this age, it's important to get the ball over the plate for strikes.

As it turned out, Merrick was the winning pitcher. He pitched the top of the 6th inning, and our team was behind 10-9. We came back in the bottom of the 6th, scored 2 runs, and won 11-10. WOO-HOO!

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