Greedy greenfinches...

This is one of about twenty greedy greenfinches that descended onto our feeders this morning. They are aggressive birds and try to defend the seed and fat balls against the chaffinches and blue tits, whcih are the other main species that visit. This rather handsome male is clearly a bit of a messy feeder and hasn't wiped his beak yet!

It's been another dismally damp day, but the weather forecasters seem to be expecting a couple of weeks of dry weather for the start of the New Year - hooray! The floods are beginning to recede already, though it will be a fair while before many of the regular routes are passable. I have to say that I'll be glad to see the back of 2012 for various reasons and am hoping for an easier and much drier2013.

Best wishes for the New Year to all Blippers - may it bring plenty of photographic opportunities, good health and happiness for you and your families!

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