
By jjdphoto

Meet Up

This morning, I attended my first ever “meetup”.  It is a website based, affinity group driven, club of sorts.  I found a local photography club that often gets together and shoots photos, discusses photography and shares tips.  Today it was in my hometown and at the farmers market on a beautiful Saturday morning - how could I refuse.

My apprehension was a bit high as I was going alone and not sure of this whole new craze in technology.  It’s one thing to be invited, it’s another to go alone.  After only a few moments, I realized I was around “like minded” folks that just like carrying a camera and making photographs.

Even after all these years, I am reminded that new interests, hobbies, attending clubs or events still takes courage - but you are often rewarded for that first step.  Hobbies are much more fun with a friend or a group and I often am surprised and a bit jealous of fellow blippers that have a partner in their quest for a daily photo.

So this week, I hope you go to that new book club, photo group or car show and meet some new folks that share your interest- it just might be worth the Meetup.

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