I love ................
One of my diminished flip flop collection, that I brought home with me from Thailand. What me? Silly for bringing A flip flop, not even a pair? Yes! You're probably right.LOL!! This one, well what's left of it, I use as a prop in some of my photos, particularly on the allotment, as I did this morning. A couple of courgettes, 31/2lb broad beans, my third pick from this first planting, I am super chuffed with these, plus a half row of potato 'Rocket', & the Thai red shallots which have'nt done fantastically well, but I think part of that is down to the weather. I was up on the plot at 6a.m, flask of coffee & birdsong. I filled another 4 sacks with Rotter compost, for the front garden border at home, then down to the nitty gritty, weeding, feeding, watering, & staking. Lifting the fresh young bindweed growth is relatively easy with a trowel, untangling it from the gooseberry bushes a little more tricky. Directing the rampant growth of the Jack'o'Lantern pumpkin with bamboo canes. I've planted sweetcorn plants in between the newly planted gooseberry bushes, & now need to get pumpkin growth in between as well. It'll be fine, just needs a little patience. The gooseberry bushes will be bigger next year so probably not possible again. I've moved all the plants for the sale back to the house so I now have a blank piece of plot ... What to do, grow??? I've converted an inherited defunct wormery into a comfrey bin. The liquid is seeping out and I hate for it to waste, but I have no where for the bin to go at the moment. Need to address that pretty quickly. 10.30 I'm still beavering away, having fun, too much fun LOL!! When my Thai friend Sopha calls me to say she is on her way back from Cornwall, swinging by with some freshly made chicken noodle soup for hubby. He's been craving a Thai noodle soup ever since he got back two years ago. Today was his lucky day. Sopha & husband Ben, should be here about 12noon. Better wind up my jobs on the plot & get back. I have'nt had breakfast yet.
I did'nt get to eat brekkers before they pulled up in their car. We swapped chicken stock, rice noodles ,cooked chicken, & pork balls plus crunchy pork crackling for fresh broad beans, potatoes, & a mix of flower seed that I'd harvested. She loves her garden, back home in Thailand her family grow rice, & all the veg they need for their diet, plus raise cattle. Sopha also grows as much as possible, & although shorter than 5'tall eats non stop .... We were both happy. She is so sweet, & loving her trip at this time of the year as all the gardens, hanging baskets etc are giving her so much pleasure. Still wearing 2 layers, long jeans, socks & trainers, she had at least left off her silly hat. :)
Sort of watched the ladies Wimbledon final, which ended fairly quickly, which meant i could on with my next job.
I've just been sexing the cucumber flowers, well someone has to do it. .. growing cues is a new one to me so thought I'd better Google it before I go pinching out the wrong ones ;) Sorted! The piece of guttering that I blipped back along after I sowed lettuce, beetroot & spring onion seed has been a triumph. Lettuce & beetroot salad leaves accompanied dinner last night. The spring onions did'nt germinate. Never mind 2 out 3's not bad. Will have eaten all the leaves before the cues have formed ... Need to plan a little better next year. Who knows I might even have tomatoes .. I never got around to growing any this year. Well I have been busy. :)
Just time to water the garden before making dinner.
Thanks to admirer for hosting
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