Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Personal Space Collision

As a particular treat for me on Hogmanay Jake decided to practice his Soppy Canine Mind Meld technique. It starts with a nose thrust to the face to establish contact, followed by a long moment of shared eye to eye and nose to nose pressure and contemplation - silent and still - then transition into the big finish with a loud, emphasised sniff shifting seamlessly into an explosive snort and finally a long and extremely wet tonguing to the face.

Usually this kind of demonstrative affection is only achieved much later in the traditional Scottish Hogmanay celebration after the consumption of large quantities of alcohol have rendered the participants inseparable. Jake and I can achieve this level of embarrassing bosom buddiness while still sober, however I must emphasise we are experts and it has taken years of practice to get to this level. Do not try this at home as the morning after can bring greater clarity and embarrassment.

Happy New Year from both of us.

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