Monet Moment
I didn't mean to photograph - or at least to Blip - the Benmore pond again today, but it looked so lovely in the late afternoon light, with the new waterlilies just coming into bloom, that all my thoughts of pale ghostly fuchsia flowers or massive gunnera leaves flew away and left me with ... this. Gorgeous, innit?
I'm well aware that I have much catching up to do with my fellow-blippers, but the sunny weather means that I don't come onto my computer till far too late (almost midnight) to do more than upload my own entry. And I hate working on my phone - too small, too smeary with much use, and hopeless in the sunlight. I shall catch up when the weather breaks ...
Feel shattered tonight, even though I've been stupefied on the sofa for hours. Cleaning the kitchen floor first thing seemed like a good idea at the time, as did walking the length of town to find a newsagent in which to buy the local paper (was determined not to go to the supermarket). The Swallow Café has closed, and the other shop in Argyll Street had either shut for lunch or has closed also - it was pretty depressing. And then lunch in the garden and a walk in The Gardens and gin in the garden and curry made by Mr PB ... it's time for bed.
And the sun will wake me at 7am ...
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