Housewife's Choice

By christilou

The Aunts ......

Today was D day ..... dentist day.  I went mid morning to have my temporary bridge removed and impressions taken for the permanent one, also a filling need to be done.  I got a lift down there and took a Diazepam 10 minutes before I left but still I was close to tears and pacing in the small waiting area outside.  Luckily by the time I went in the meds had kicked in and I almost forgot to keep my mouth open.  I was in there for an hour almost and had a new temporary bridge fitted.  It seems the old one was in so tight that a small area hasn't healed enough to have a new one so I have a month's reprieve to allow this.  Got home just after 12 and settled on my bed for a short nap ..... when Lucy and her mum arrived.  Soon the other girls arrived and we had a nice time in the garden.  She's lucky to have such doting Aunts!

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