room with a view

What a difference a week makes.  Last Friday, we went to see what progress, if any, had been made on the house.  Disappointingly little since our previous visit about 4 weeks ago.

Suddenly it's all go.  The underfloor heating pipework has been laid (and tested!) and the floors have been covered in concrete (see extra).  Scaffolding is now in place so that the whole building can be wrapped in insulating materials and rendered and a new roof fitted.

While we're poking around, one of our (hopefully) soon to be neighbours makes herself known: "We're anticipating your arrival" she says.

She invites us in to look around her house, which is more or less opposite ours.  The main picture shows the view from her first floor window.  It's a view that I imagine has changed very little, apart from the TV aerials and graffiti, since the original buildings were built a century or so ago.

We have a long and interesting chat; she turns out to be a Labour-supporting, Remain-voting, vicar.  Unpack that lot.

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