PSB at Caerphilly Castle

We set off to South Wales this morning to see Public Service Broadcasting play at Caerphilly Castle. And yes, I know we only saw them recently - at the Natural History Museum on that occasion - but they are a sure bet live and they keep playing such interesting places: our attendance was a done deal from the off.

The Minx has found us some incredible places to stay over the years but none quite so odd as the place we stayed today. It was on a housing estate, in the back garden of a largish, modern house. The garage was, in effect, extended all the way to the back of the garden and this extension was divided into three: a hot tub, a games room, and a bedroom (the bathroom being in the back part of the garage).

The games room, all controlled by Alexa, contained, amongst other things, a comprehensive bar and honesty box, a games machine, a large bed come sofa, and a darts board, which the Minx and I made use of whilst enjoying a drink. 

After that, we walked into Caerphilly and found its castle (not difficult, tbh), where we grabbed a bite to eat and a drink before going into the large courtyard, which had the stage at one end of it. Our timing was almost spot on and after less than ten minutes, the band took to the stage. 

As I said, Public Service Broadcasting are a sure bet when it it comes to seeing them live; I've never seen a duff gig. But tonight was special. They started off with three tracks from 'Every Valley', which was recorded in Wales and focusses on the mining industry, and, indeed, they ended up playing nine of its eleven tracks over the course of the concert. 

And there was so much to like about the gig. The whole set list was excellent, the band was on fine form, and the sound was excellent. There was a beautiful singalong at one point from the Welsh audience, which made me wonder for a moment whether as a nation they do have a rather special singing gene. And when my favourite song of theirs, 'The Other Side', was played everyone was appropriately reverential during the quiet bit. Thank you, Caerphilly Castle!

They finished up with the choir from Ebbw Vale (I think) coming on to seeing the closing, choral track from 'Every Valley'. It was beautiful and at the end neither they nor the audience wanted them to finish (but I suspect some curfew had been reached).

-11.6 kgs
Reading: 'Pauline Boty: Pop Artist And Woman' by Sue Tate

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