
By TruelyMadly

Sookie My princessi

Sookie just sitting watching the world go by in the garden !! We even have to put put her own chair to sit with everyone !!

She loves to watch the magpies in the garden we think she classes them as her friends !! They Hop around in the garden and she and the magpies are so close near each other!!

I'm so privileged to have Sookie as our family pet !! The time I first met her she was locked up in a birds cage in a pet shop struggling to get at me !! So I had to take her home with me £130.00 later home in a box with me !! It's been the same ever-since !!! When one of us is poorly or our Mark is unhappy with life there she is sharing her love to all our Household !!

Where would we be without our family pets ?? The moral of the story is treating our pets to how we would like to be treated ourselves with love and some tlc !! Our 4 legged friends will never let you down

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