Silver screening again...pretending I’m over 60 for a cheap ticket.....well no one even asks. This week I went with Lin and family to see On the Basis of Sex.... based on the life and early cases of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It was very good and quite thought provoking.

Then home to tackle a leak that started before I left (luckily).....I literally thought I’d left a tap running as I could hear gushing water. So glad I was in and was able to switch the stopcock off!! Lots of soggy towels but no lasting damage. unlike my poor friend who came home after a long weekend away to discover their fire sprinkler had been going off and now they have to move out for 3 months!!!!

Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.Joseph Parry

My friend Lin who is on long term chemo treatment has had a whole week sick free after 3 months of practically every day!!! Well until late this evening:(((( chin up lovely golden friend

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