
Something happened today that me realise just how precious life is and how much of a privileged it is to actually be here and just appreciate every single day.

I was crossing over the road in Lewisham today. At the lights which had turned red for cars and green for pedestrians. I was pushing a 4 week old baby in a pram.

A double decker bus had stopped one side and cars had stopped on the other and off  I trotted.

Then out of know where a van sped across my path, literally feet from where I was and it was enough to brush my hair with the wind. He didn't stop.

Had I have been a second earlier, the pram would have been hit. The precious cargo that belonged to someone else killed. Had I have been 2 seconds earlier both me and the baby would have been killed. 

I'm not saying it to be dramatic. The speed of the car would have literally wiped us both out in an instant.

I was really shaken up and was close to tears but had to hold it together for the sake of the parents I was about to see.

I did report the incident to the Police but doubt I will hear anything back.

But makes you realise how precious life is doesn't it. 

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