Growing well

The lavender plants arrived on the 22nd June, 40 of them in the two little plug trays shown on the left. I transferred them to the tray that sits under the plug trays and then last Sunday potted them on to the bigger trays!!!

Sounds a lot of work, but each time it took just a few minutes. I have only lost two, which looked a bit fragile when they first arrived. The rest have certainly grown well in this short period of time.

Into town for dental appointments, as we have registered with a local dental practice. A very pleasant experience with a charming efficient young lady. A big difference from my first dentist at the school dental service in Carlisle. He was a very large Irish gentleman with fat hairy fingers, who scared the living daylights out of me. (The days before latex gloves, so I could clearly see the hairs!!!)

I had that initial sensation of fear as I walked into the room, that ‘fight or flight sensation’, but only for a few seconds.

Whilst B had his appointment I did some errands, then we met up for a coffee.

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