
By Schoenies

Let's party!!

Wow! I can't believe this is my 200th blip...and a double celebration with a New Year's Eve dinner to look forward to.
Thank you to all my blip friends for adding this wonderful chapter to my life..what an amazing addiction to have.
I continue to learn so much from the many excellent images every day, and have become an expert at telling people what the world's weather conditions are after my daily look at your journals!!
It's not on;y about looking at photos, but also a glimpse into other peoples daily lives, and a feeling of being close when there are "down times"
As the new year celebrations start in NZ and move along to the rest of the world, I wish you well - whatever you are doing.
This photo is of an ornament that we bought many years ago in Venice and I think it conveys the party spirit!

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