Let's All Make A Bomb

Another weirdness in the sky tonight. 

No air again..... for a moment.  And in that moment.. all the steam from the Paper Mill held still in the air. 

It was one of those days today - we were well ahead in our work, and then someone asked for some information, someone asked for something else, we had a conference call with India which is always a headache and then we found some numbers which wouldn't add up. 

We went back and forward and back and forward. Counting, double counting, subtracting, and occasionally multiplying and we still couldn't get it to come together. 

We reckon the boss made a mistake in his consolidated budget. 

And it's SOOOO complicated I wouldn't even know where to look. 

Still, a bit of still air clears the head and readies for you it all over again. 

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