Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Alice Through The Cat Flap

Odd, slightly flat day. The youngest members of the household however were very happy as we taught them how to use the cat flap and they spent several hours rushing in and out like mad things and discovering the joy of wind, birdsong and scuttling leaves. To them it must seem like a wholly different world of wonder, as amazing as Wonder`land was to Alice after she went through the looking glass. Actually come to think of it Lewis Carrol should have made that the last of a trilogy: Alice Through The Cat Flap.

Downloaded a couple of meditation apps for my new iPad, which I have to say I'm loving. Dejunking the bedroom turned out to be more complex than anticipated. Why do we have nine continental travel adaptors and four for Australia? And seventeen partly used aerosol deodorants?

Now on episode 8 of the 118 episode Smallville box set. Also watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special which was silly but which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Also spent quite a lot of time today researching a job application. As of Wednesday we will be in 2013, The Year of All Change. I must confess the next three months are uncomfortable in prospect.

Fighting off a cold so having an early night tonight with a "playful" Australian woman called Susanne. And before you ask, she's the voice of the guided meditation on my new iPad app and "playful" is how she is described in the settings menu...*

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