The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Wet Sand

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We all went to the beach today for a change of scene. I like swimming in the sea (although the Atlantic is slightly chilly). I always imagine that the warm patches are created by the pees of small children and like to mention this to The Mini Princesses as we are swimming through them. We swam out to some rocks and climbed up on them. Today’s lesson (learned after the event) was to look out for sea anemones. Spiky tw@ts!

The Normals decided to head back before everyone else. My staying power at a beach when out of the water is quite limited because sand is the work of the devil and I hate it. That and bloody glitter. That stuff gets everywhere too and is the only downside of Christmas. Mind you, at least you don’t normally have to shower it off your unmentionables. Not unless you opted for a festive vajazzle.

The whole gang went out to an Indian restaurant for dinner (because everyone knows that curry and sunshine are a great combo) which meant a sensible night as we were all stuffed!


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