
By DrSandy

Pump class for ants

I spotted this little guy carrying his loot up the kitchen wall......when we stopped for Sunday "dinner" i.e. coffee.


Such a little body, carrying such a BIG LOAD.

Makes my efforts at the gym, lifting weights, seem like piddle sticks.

I was a little nervous, when I drew attention to him, I half expected Mom to rush over with the DOOM.  She really hates ants.  But, she restrained herself and joined me, at marvelling at the strength and determination of this tiny creature.

So did he make it out of the kitchen with his bounty ?

Alas, no.

I watched him carry it, two thirds of the way up the wall and then.........he dropped it and turned tail. I am guessing when he got home, he told his ant friends all about "the one that got away". 

But he got away !  

Something not too many ants do in Mom's kitchen - they are typically DOOMED, as soon as they are spotted.

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