
The Boss was off early back to the furnace of Fiesole (Florence is worse). Red warnings for the heat and humidity. Different forecast sites show different possible rainfall.

I slept heavily with the fan whirring all night and a wet flannel on my stomach where I’ve picked up a horrible rash from (I think) brushing against a cucumber vine.

Then did gardening: watering last night’s transplants of cayenne and jalapeño peppers and probably doomed celeriac plants and ridiculously optimistically putting some seeds into the dusty soil.

Then a last-minute trip to the varnisher’s workshop to pick up some drawer handles (pomelli) and keys for our walnut sideboard.

Fierce hailstorms smashing north east Italy as the low pressure linked to the recent arctic breakout arrive. Still nothing here except 30c and 80% humidity.

I long to stand on some lonely shore battered and soaked by south-westerly Atlantic gales. (Although probably not for long.)

Everything itches. But evening will come and hopefully some little respite.

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