Helping out
Everyone loves an Asher's ice-cream, made in Stirling since 1936. And it's Otter's job to finish the last mouthful. Luckily for Flora I was not on my own so there was a second tub for her to clean out. Otter will be 14 this year and he is showing his age. Lots of white hair and a plodding gait when we're out but he still has an unerring nose for food.
Unfortunately Otter also has a propensity for night time capers. Today it was a 02:00 visit to the garden followed by half an hour of wandering about trying to get comfortable in his bed. I was wide awake till 04:30. Flora was awake at 06:30. Dogs!
I had one shortish walk this morning followed by scone making. The four year old, the baby sister and their dad arrived for coffee about 10:00. After they went home Lyn and I took the dogs up to the the castle esplanade where the ice-cream stop happened. It was pleasingly busy with visitors to the town. We wandered back to our respective homes but we will be meeting again later. It appears that Sunday night is pizza night. Hooray.
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