Growing old disgracefully



Back blipping and finding there was nothing memorable in the can, so here is a bit of oak taken for the purposes of offering our hated dining chairs on Gumtree. 

That is not to say it was not a memorable day.  Every day spent with our youngest grandson is a wee miracle.  I used to refer to him here as the VIP, then I referred to him by age, but from now on he will be CAM (his initials). When he arrives we usually have a discussion about what he would like to do.  He finds choices difficult and likes to spend time weighing up the alternatives, so normally we don't offer a big choice.  Today I made a list of 10 possibilities and got him to rank them.  He took that activity seriously - spending about 20 minutes on it.  Finally he ranked the top three:

1.  Making muffins with Granny
2. Doing arty stuff in the loft with Granny
3. Writing and illustrating a story with Granny

Do you see the common theme?  Smart fellow!  He knows how to stay on the rights side of his Granny, as she is the homemade tomato soup, tuna sandwich and muffin dispenser. 

The muffins were yummy, the arty activity was short lived, but we have the makings of a story we hope to publish one day . It's a collection of stories I used to tell him about his favourite bedtime huggee, Hero Dog, of washing line fame. 

We ended the day with a long bed time discussion about the history of flags and their symbolism - see tomorrow. He thinks the USA should just hand Alaska over to Canada and Hawaii back to the islanders, also that the Scottish Saltire should be a big tick instead of a cross. The UN could use this guy. 

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