Make It So

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

We've all felt very sleepy today. Caro's reason is that she watched 5 episodes of "Love Island" on the trot after I went to bed.

I have no reason. I think it is just something to do with being inside on a cold day with cats on a couch that resembles a bed with a telly next to it.

Naturally, Caro and I watched a lot of telly. We just finished "Star Trek: First Contact". I remember everyone getting very excited about this film back in 1996. There was a big work "do" to go and see it and everything.

I felt very left out because I had stopped watching "Star Trek: The Next Generation" years before, due to the fact that I found Ensign Crusher very irritating. However, the most irritating thing about him was that everyone told me he'd been written out, right after I'd stopped watching.


Fortunately, someone invented the internet shortly afterward and I could Yahoo what the Borg actually were and catch myself up. Maybe that is WHY someone invented the internet, now that I think on it. 

So that was that. I guess "Star Trek: First Contact" looks a bit dated now, but then, don't we all?


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