Friday Treat

I was given these yesterday morning as well, which made for a very carb-y day! I'm always touched by their kindness :-) 

Today has been shit, and I've had a good cry. I've probably needed to for a while, but I would have managed to go quite a bit longer without one! Sometimes it does seem to help. 

I'll be fine. College ended on Tuesday, which felt a bit strange. At the end, we had to sit in our circle, write our name on a piece of paper, and then pass it round so that each person could write a positive comment on it. We then each had an envelope to take home. It's now Saturday and I'm just about to read it. I was proud of myself in a way, as whilst I wasn't worried about the learning, the paperwork side of it has been a headache, so it's more a sense of relief than anything! 

This time last year I was still researching what to do, and now I've done the first year. Most of the fourteen of us are carrying on, and will start in September on Thursday evenings. The only problem is they're running two groups so it's likely that we'll not all be together which is a bit sad. When we enrolled a few weeks back, my name went on the second sheet, so I'm convinced I'll be in a group without any of them! I guess we'll just have to wait until nearer the time to see. 

I'm really glad I did it, and I received a lot of hugs and good wishes at work this week. I should give myself a bit more credit really. 

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