Seasons Change With Their Scenery

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Lemon and I usually go for a coffee at 10am. It was not on purpose, not at first. I think we both just got bored at around that time of day, every day.

Now it has solidified. It is tradition. It gets to 10am and we pick up our keep-cups and go to the Mojo Coffee caravan in the forecourt outside our building. Sometimes we check the weather first. Today it looked like a little light rain. 

But when we got to the lobby, the wind was making a noise like this:


"Eff," said Lemon, swearily. We zipped up our jackets and stepped outside, with six other people following behind.

It was like being WHIPPED with hail! SANDBLASTED with evil tiny ROCKS!

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!!" we said.

The six people directly behind us turned on their heels and went back inside. They didn't want coffee THAT much.

We got back to our office ten minutes later looking like rags recently retrieved from a bucket of rainwater. Smock laughed at us. I wiped the rainwater from my forehead, took a slurp of my coffee and said, "Totally worth it."

So that is what it was like all day. I thought the wintry light was very pretty. The view from the cable car lookout reminded me of the song Hazy Shade of Winter by Simon & Garfunkel or The Bangles depending on how old you are. This song features the lyric:

Look around, leaves are brown
And the sky turns a hazy shade of winter

J-Bar told me that for years, she thought this was, "look around, Lisa Brown" and made a great point of squealing and saying, "Hey! Your song is on!" to Lisa when she was visiting one time.

Lisa was understandably perplexed. But I have thought of it as her song ever since.


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