campervan man

By campervan

The only picture taken

We went to the Dereham Memorial Hall this evening to see a production by our village primary school. There were a lot of "thou shalt nots" regarding taking pictures of the performers and even more instructions  about sharing pictures on social media (don't do it). I fully see why this is done and support it but it does make it difficult to take any pictures as a non parent. Never mind, I resolved the problem by taking this picture of the empty stage.
The production was called the Last Letter Home and was written by the kids themselves, under guidance from a real grown up script writer. The story was about a Norfolk family whose boys went to fight in the first world war and is based on facts. 
The children had done lots of research about all the villagers killed in the first world war and have even produced a small book that has been distributed to all the homes in the village.
Two of the three brothers were killed, one of the deaths being portrayed in the play. Death is a difficult subject, especially with kids but it was handled well and was quite moving. The whole evening was very good, funny at times and sad at others. The kids teachers and helpers did an amazing job and hopefully will give all of them good memories for the rest of their lives.

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