Good morning campers, and Marina beach!!!!

My wife had a morning at work today, I dropped her off at school and then went for a walk. I took plenty of images as it was a nice warm sunny morning,with the golden hour evident. Two shots stood out as being unusual, these are my blips for today.

First, two men were stood by their van. they had been camping and had equipment for cycling or canoeing. This is the first time I have seen anyone camping in this area, I could have found a better place than this as in winter, it is not unusual to find all manner of rubbish in that area.

Second, the tide was at its lowest it has been in ages, and in all the time I have taken photographs at the marina, I have not seen its beach../..mud. This image is of the place where boaters etc can replenish their craft, and also the ramp that is used to lift vessels out of the water for repair.

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