It was a tiring day.
For some reason I woke about 04:30, could not get back to sleep, and got up about 5:00.
I was OK until mid afternoon, but then all the energy and enthusiasm left me. By an odd coincidence, the Manager had the same early wake up problem. It was the Goth’s birthday yesterday, so her focus was poor. Wee J was just back after a 10 day holiday, bringing jet lag with her, so she was not in the mood either.
We tried our best, but it was not a productive day. We had a lot of laughs instead.
Somehow, the Blip mojo evaporated from me as well. I have ended up Blipping the remnants of my “dinner” which was in reality a Bavarian type Brotzeit. None of the food was Bavarian, however. Polish style bread baked in Scotland, Polish ham, Latvian cheese, and Welsh butter.
A Bavarian beer would have been nice.
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