Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

St Anne's Cottage

Day two of the spaniel's restricted walking regime. I imagine that many people have to put the dog in a car to take it for a walk in the countryside. In our case the reverse is true. We put the spaniel in the car and drove down to Lewes so that we could walk him on the lead in town and try to keep his booted foot clean and dry.

Wandering around the streets of Lewes I noticed a wide arrray of Christmas wreaths on the doors. I decided to photograph some of the best ones with the intention of making them into an advent calendar next year. Two and a half hours later, the spaniel's temporary boot is almost worn through and I've bagged about 50 decent wreaths to choose from. I had to abandon the idea of having sequential door numbers - too many wreaths were covering the number up or decent wreaths were on houses with numbers greater than 25. Now I need to work out how to assemble a mosaic of 25 images.

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