Birthday Poppy.
I know there are loads of Poppy pictures at the moment, but this one has a little story. It's our Son in laws birthday today. I was on childcare duties for my two grandsons ( his children). As we left the house Franky aged 4 1/2 clipped a card/picture onto the inside of the letterbox for "Daddy to find when he comes home". So sweet!
On the walk to school he found a snapped off Poppy on the path, he said he wanted to give it to Daddy for his birthday. He carried it so carefully. I persuaded him to let me take it home and put it in some water as it would die at school. He could then give it to Daddy after school. Walking back from dropping Woody at nursery I put it in the pushchair, only to find it gone when I got back to their house. Oh no! I'd promised Franky I'd take care of it for him.
As luck would have it, we'd got a random pink Poppy come up amongst paving in our garden - I have no idea where it came from. So, I was able to replace and I'm assuming he will be none the wiser as surely one pink Poppy looks like another pink Poppy?
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