Day 3 St John's to Port Rexton and fog

First significant drive - some 275 km to Port Rexton from St John's.

On the way we took a slight detour for some refreshment and to look at a small village on the coast - Brigus.  Charming harbour and saw this entrancing garden overlooking the bay.  Then caught sight of this interesting motor!

Port Rexton is lovely - as is our hotel - a series of houses overlooking the cove, which is beautiful and you have this incredible fog which rolls in and out at will for the most amazing effects.

A shot of this moose sculpture in the grounds - yet to see a real one yet.

Finally for the first time in some 40 years - lobster for dinner!  Judging by all the lobster pots we have seen, there seem to be lots around.

Let's see what tomorrow brings!

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