Whither Patriotism?

A difficult theme for Mono Monday; 'Patriotic'. Showing support for or devotion to one's country... Well, right now that's a bit strained to say the least.

If you search Google for images relevant to 'patriotic' you will get screen after screen of American flags, of Stars and Stripes and soldiery. The religion of the flag is strong over there. Over here, if you see a Union flag it will probably be referred to as a Union Jack, even by the BBC! If you see an English flag it will either be in the hands of a drunk football hooligan or an apoplectic Brexiteer demanding we slice our wrists the long way, just to make sure.

No... to be sure I'm not proud of my country right now. In love though with the countryside, with the folklore and the many and varied landscapes it offers across this little island; oh yes. Very much so.

So, not patriotic nor nationalist but perhaps a tad eccentric, which is entirely British I think.

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