
By lauriefisher

Every day and I like it

Mr. cardinal visits regularly and lately we've seen mrs. cardinal hanging around in the branches of the apple tree as well. They appear not to be together which makes me think this is a different mrs. cardinal, as of course I believe mr. cardinal has been the same mr. cardinal who has visited each day for at over a year, or at least since I've been paying attention and more aware of winged things (which is code for since my father died). Mrs. cardinal seems a bit aloof and even sometimes shoos away the small sparrows who join her on the feeder. Last year mr cardinal came daily with a mrs cardinal, whom he fed, beak-to-beak. (April 29 blip) She waited in the branches as he visited the feeder, shelled the sunflower seed for her, and flew it up to where she waited. I wonder where she went. I imagined she had baby birds and would rejoin mr cardinal but perhaps I know less than I thought about the kingdom of the cardinals.
Anyway, they were here today at the same time as the snow began to fly again, though not together in any way that I could see.
I wonder where they are now that the few flakes of snow have turned into a full-blown blizzard out there. Wherever mr. cardinal is I know he'll be back.

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