Opal Rainbow

By opalrainbow

Links to the past, present and future

We've spent a lovely relaxed day with friends. Our daughters friends grandma & grandpa are going back to the U.K next week, having spent the last 3 months here. They have also just celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary. So there was a bit of a gathering.

Despite it being a casual affair, I wore this bracelet because it special to me, along with a beautiful opal ring. I hope no-one thought I was trying to be too flashy.
These belonged to my mum, and were her favourites- and mine since childhood. Now my own children have singled them out.

They bear history, and have seen both the best and worst of times. Qualified to remind me of all the joys and good things there are in my life, so I can appreciate them fully. I am keeping them safe, in the hope my own will feel the same and so it goes.

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