The lavender has burst through the trellis, no doubt irking the ivy that is supposed to be growing there. But the lavender makes the bees and butterfly hawk moths so contentedly busy, that I will forgive it.
Some blissful cool this morning (cloudy until 11) meant the garden had a good water, all under the watchful eye of our decidedly challenging neighbours who believe they have the right to build a road across our garden. They have built it up to the boundary and there - based on the legal nonsense they sent me, it will stop. Still all rather unsettling though.
Long admin and hiding from the heat day, then this evening out for what I thought was a social school committee get together (she said bring your cossies and we’ll go in the pool) but turned out to be a meeting, a present giving (our head teacher is leaving) and then a social thing. All of which made me very late for dinner. 42 degrees today.
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