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A quiet day for everyone after 3 busy days and yesterday’s heat.

The lady who should be obeyed slept late this morning. I did have a sneaky look at her a couple of times to see if she was awake, but it was almost 10 o’clock before she stirred.

After a cup of coffee she started.....stripped off the bedding.....I had a little rest on the floor with just a little bit of sunshine through the blinds!!!

A day focussed round the clothes washing and drying, gardening ........with me trailing behind to make sure that it was all up to standard.

The boss has a new bit of kit, so is engrossed in setting it up. But he did take time off to take me to the park. I was not allowed to play footy with the boys, but had a bit of a run round. Now to have a snooze in my bed for the evening.

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