
By Houseonahill6

A busy day

Up early and out with Anne to the Puffin Pool which was the perfect temperature :) They’ve raised enough money now, over £60,000 for a new heating system and improvements so looks like it will continue for a long time yet !
Home and made a few recipe books before meeting ANewDay and her husband for lunch in The White Cottage at North Kessock.Lovely to see them both again and to catch up properly before they continued their journey up to Thurso.
We managed to get the window seat I had reserved , you can not always get it. Lovely sunny views now the haar had lifted.
Stopped at the Ticket Office for a quick look round and then at the newly opened Costal Garden which looks wonderful with plenty of seating and once the plants ( all donate by Munro’s ) have established it will look even better.
Stopped at the bird hide at Munlochy to take some photos of the haar that was just hanging on the surface of the water.A red kite flew overhead.
Sat in the garden for a while ,really hot, and then continued with the recipe books, it)s taking a while but I’m enjoying it.
After dinner it had cooled down so we went for a walk through Rosehaugh and up to the ruins to see the Hospice Squirrel.
This is Hector, decorated by Sarah Dunton ,a local artist. He’s wonderful with paintings to represent the Black Isle including a red kite ,an old fishing boat and a fish.I really liked the pheasant.
Lots of bird song on the way there and back and then a beautiful sunset.
Watched some more of the Women’s football.

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