Peace, Love & Understanding

In the absence of any official site, people who enjoy a travelling lifestyle have set up camp in various sites around the Glastonbury area in recent years. Having been moved on from a less conspicuous site in a back road, this group have moved on to the green space behind these trees on the main road between Street & Glastonbury.

The local council then lined the area with heavy stones (at a reputedly enormous cost) but this has not stopped more vehicles arriving and their occupants have obviously decided to add a bit of art to them to make them more attractive.

As you can imagine, there is divided opinion amongst locals about the issue. I think money would be better spent on providing a suitable permanent site for people than on expensive methods of trying to prevent them settling in unsuitable places and moving them on.

This was taken on this afternoon's bike ride to stock up on Aldi gin. Seemed an appropriate blip for Glastonbury Festival weekend.

This morning we enjoyed a very hot park run, rather depleted in numbers by the Glastonbury Festival ( although a few festival goers came over to join us) and we're pleased to more or less match last week's times in such hot conditions.

We had a wallow in a very crowded outdoor pool before doing the weekly shop.

What's so funny......?

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