It's all coming together

FINALLY....................... It all seems to be coming together and the last four and a half months of training seem to be paying off. In the last couple of weeks; I just seem to have 'got it'.

Actually, when my very lovely owner, Ann, realised that she has only had me for four and a half months..................... that doesn't really seem to be a very long time to train a puppy to become a perfect pooch. There's been times when Ann has been at the end of her tether and has wondered whether she did the right thing in getting me so soon after losing 'MollyCollie'.

I probably wouldn't win any awards at 'Crufts' but the main reason Ann got me, was for companionship and someone to go on walks with. I've already fulfilled both of those reasons.

Ann can't believe what a perfect little pooch I am. When she lost 'MollyCollie' she didn't think she would ever have the ability to love another collie. She always knew she would get another dog but she wasn't going to get another collie and she certainly wasn't going to get a puppy. …...........And then along I came. …......Must have been fate!

Over the last four and a half months I have learnt so much and had so many experiences of the world around me. Nothing phases me! Thunder, skateboarders, buses, posties, sirens, aggressive dogs............... Ann is constantly amazed at how good I am. I don't seem to have a bad bone in my body. And it seems a lifetime away when Ann was pushing me around in my 'stroller' (before I'd had all my injections) to get me used to all the sights and sounds of the city.

Oh and for those of you who follow our Blips regularly............................ we're guessing you'll want an update on the dreaded toilet training. Obviously toilet training a puppy in a 4th floor flat was never going to be easy (and I can go for 12 hours without needing to go) but actually.................... even my toilet training is pretty much on track now. I've gone another 10 days without weeing in the flat and once I've gone for a whole month, Ann is going to put down her new rug.

I'm only 7 months old and I'm fabulous!

Today's Blip is of me in the undergrowth in the field. I'd gone there to play with my ball (before it started to pour with rain) but I was a bit tired cos I'd already been to Braidburn Valley Park in the morning for an hour. Every time I got the ball I had to have a little rest in the undergrowth before Ann threw it for me again.

And that's it for today peeps.


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