
By seddon

Silly Mummy

It was another gorgeous day again today, and non uniform day for Thomas. Once he'd decided which football kit he was wearing, we dropped him off at school and then came home to enjoy the sunshine.
Mummy said we needed to go to the shop and we went upstairs to get ready. On the way back downstairs mummy slipped and fell, landing on her bottom and scraping her back down the stairs. She luckily managed to keep hold of me most of the way, then bumped her arm so I rolled/slid down her legs and ended up on my tummy on the floor. I cried a lot. (So did mummy!)
Daddy came home from work to check on us, because mummy had phoned him very upset.
I seem to have had a very lucky escape, there's not a scratch on me and once I'd calmed down I've been my usual happy self all day.
Mummy has got a little carpet burn on her elbow and a bruised back, but is fine apart from feeling very guilty! She's not stopped cuddling me for the rest of the day!

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